Isaac Jakob Klein

A Little About Isaac


Isaac is an actor, model, and musician. He is adept at improv, and has an engaging personality and smile. Isaac is emotive, nuanced and takes direction easily. His musical skills transcend the lessons and performances to composing his own music, and scoring for his YouTube channel and movies. 

Oh! And Also...


Isaac LOVES his dog Pearl the Pug, and training his Cockatiel. Isaac lives in the moment. He loves riding roller coasters, hiking, and spending time with friends (from school or via Skype all over the world). Plus, Isaac loves the camera! 

Special Skills


Adept and trained in Improv.

Modeling, Swimming, Storyboarding, Livestreaming, YouTuber, Speaks some Hebrew, Good with animals, Listens well, Adaptable, Friendly, Funny, Team player.